Illuminating Your Soul's Path to a fulfilling transformation


Empowering Mentoring Sessions

Embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery, self-love and deep inner guidance. Where Simone will support and guid you into a transformational container.

Are you ready to commit and manifest your true potential into existence, clearing what doesn’t serve you anymore?

Say yes to the Divine Unconditional Love of the Universe and step into this personalised mentoring experience. Receive the nurturing support of plant medicine allies, shamanic sound journey, energy healing and deep meditative state of being.

This is a container apposite created for you, where you will receive the right support to confidently walk your healing path, grow and let go of traumas, in order to face your life’s triggers and challenges in a more present + embodied way.

    • Letting go

    • Healing

    • Embodiment

    • Growth

    This container will help you to release your ego’s unhealthy patterns and behaviours.

    Simone will walk alongside you, supporting and helping your heart space to: open, rebalance, slowly-steadily heal and grow from within.

    • Sacred Cacao

    • Sound Journey

    • Energy Healing + Clearing

    • Guided Meditation

    • Commitment

    • Set your intentions

    • Trust the process

    Commitment, knowing what you are calling in and trust the unfolding of things are the core of this journey together, .

    It’s also important to dedicate time to slowly integrate the teachings within you. Letting go of triggers, traumas and so step into the aligned path of your Heart.

    • WhatsApp private 1:1 group

    • Integration email + a supportive 30 min Zoom call once a month

    You will be able to receive support and guidance exactly when you most need it.

    • 4 sessions | $850 | to be completed in 6 months from the first session

    • 7 sessions | $1,400 | to be completed in 9 months from the first session

    • 10 sessions | $1,900 | to be completed in 12 months from the first session


    * The dates of every session are agreed together each time

    ** All prices are in AUD and full payment is required at the time of booking of the first session.

    *** Payment in multiple instalments are available, for an extra $50 charge contact us and we will find a solution together.

  • Book a FRE 30 min DISCOVERY CALL on Zoom so we’ll get to know your needs and intentions for this journey.



    These group of sessions are for personal growth experience and they should not be looked upon as a substitute for any kind of psychotherapy.

    It’s important that Simone is made aware of your state of physical and mental health, because some certain medical conditions may limit your participation in some of the practices involved in this offering. Therefore Simone may need to adjust what your experience is going to be. If you have any concerns, please express them truthfully and safely in the free discovery call prior booking.



    This offering is not suitable for pregnant women or for person with cardiovascular issues, severe hypertension, glaucoma, high blood pressure that is not controlled by appropriate medication. Including severe mental health issues (Bi-polar or Schizophrenia), epilepsy, seizures or other neurological conditions, recent surgery or fractures and acute infectious disease.

    If you have any concerns about booking this offering, we invite you to consult your doctor, physician or therapist, as well as bring up anything relevant in the discovery call prior booking.


Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Immerse yourself in a personalised, 1:1 - 1:2 or small group private Cacao ceremony crafted by Simone.

Are you feeling the call to expand into Unconditional Love?

Bathe yourself in this nurturing and grounding shamanic experience crafted to unlock the full potential within your heart, to activate your own healing, to expand into your personal growth and receive Divine guidance.

  • The space container will be open with an acknowledging prayer to honour the Elements, the Directions, the spirit of Cacao, our human existence, the lands and our ancestors. With cacao in our bodies, you will be guided into a deep meditative state, nurtured by a Sound Journey + Energy Healing.

    At the end when you will come back into presence within your body, an integrative sharing circle will help you to bring awareness to what you have experienced, allowing you to be held and witnessed with loving acceptance.

    Cacao is a potent plant medicine which opens the heart space and allows the unveiling of the heart’s shadows. Bliss, joy, love, peace, sadness or a deep sense of stillness may be experienced. Remember that any arising emotion is serving you perfectly, so the invitation is to allow yourself to surrender, and to feel fully without any judgements, for your personal purpose of growth, healing and expansion into unconditional Love.

    • Private 1:1 | 3 hours | $250

    • Group of 2 | 3 hours | $400

    • Group of 3 | 3 hours | $540

    • Group from 4 up to 12 | up to 3.5 hours | $150 each


Sound Healing Journey

Experience the transformative power of a Shamanic Drum Journey + Earthly Sound’s vibrations, such as Tibetan bowl, Koshi chimes, Native American flute & more - supported by sacred Cacao with Simone.

This sound healing experience is created to restore your energy field, recalibrate your heart frequencies and realign you with a sense of inner peace.

Are you ready to connect with the frequency of the Universe within and all around?

  • You will safely travel beyond the concept of reality, where Simone will bring you into a deep meditative state of being, with the beat of his own hand-made Shamanic Drum + different earthly instruments such as: Koshi chimes, Tibetan singing bowls, rattles, Native American flute and more.

    Shamanic Drumming is known to bring the listeners into different layers of their subconscious mind, and it’s one of the oldest forms of vibrational healing. The drum beat connects you with the natural beat of your heart + Mother Earth.

    The signature central piece of Simone’s offerings is Cacao plant medicine, so you will be invited to start your journey with a cup of liquid love, in a Cacao blessings ritual, to help you to ground, be lovingly supported and held.

    You will also may receive guidance from your guides, higher self, God and the Universe, in safe + protected space.

    • Private 1:1 | 2 hours | $180

    • Group of 2 | 2 hours | $300

    • Group of 3 | 2 hours | $500

    • Group from 4 up to 12 | up to 3 hours | $150 each

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Well, everytime is different, because we need to consider your own experience of life at that exact moment. Plus the energies around you, in the space, in the specific time-frame and of the cacao medicina. In saying that, you may experience bliss, joy, love, happiness but also sadness, grief, fear or a deep peaceful sense of stillness.

    It’s important to remember that any arising emotion is serving you perfectly, so the invitation here is to allow yourself to fully surrender, and to feel without any judgements for your personal purpose of healing, growth and expansion into unconditional Love.

  • Cacao is a potent plant medicine, used for thousands of years going all the way back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilisations. Cacao has lately become very popular all over the World, because of the deep need of humanity to open their hearts, to unveil the shadows within, to facilitate the healing process and bring all of us back to our natural state of light, love and peaceful harmony with one another and the natural world.

    Cacao has been the main catalyst for Simone’s reclamation journey of self-love, spiritual awakening and inner peace. It is a fundamental part of his dharma to share Cacao medicina with as many souls as possible.

    “Heal yourself to Heal the World.”

  • The sessions will take place in person if you are in the Melbourne area (or you are willing to travel there), otherwise online on Zoom.

    The location for 1 to 3 people is at Elementals Love Aloha healing space in the forest of the Dandenong Ranges - Olinda.

    For larger groups from 4 to 12 is possible to move the session to a space hire, which will be rented by Simone, with an extra charge which is variable depending on the location.

  • Yes, yes, yes and again yes!

    Simone loves to create spiritual events in collaborations with other facilitators, he has been sharing spaces with many other space holders in his career, such as breathwork facilitators, sound + energy healers, meditation + yoga teachers, deejay + musicians, shamanic practitioners and mediums.

    Also if you are a business owner, and you would like to organise a retreat or a workshop for bringing together your employees in a mindful event, please reach out using the contact form in the home page and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible with my availability and ideas.

  • Ceremonial Cacao is the ultimate superfood and has many beneficial effects on the body.

    • Promotes Heart Health: Cacao is high in flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving blood flow, lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation.

    • Enhances Mood and Brain Function: Cacao contains several compounds, including theobromine and phenylethylamine, which can boost mood and improve cognitive function.

    • Boosts Immune System: Cacao is rich in antioxidants, which can help to boost the immune system and prevent cellular’s damage.

    • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Cacao contains anandamide, a neurotransmitter that can promote feelings of relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Before drinking Cacao, it is highly recommended to refrain from ingesting caffeine on the day of the Ceremony. Cacao contains Theobromine, a stimulant similar to caffeine, therefore you wouldn’t want to over-stimulate your body-system.

    Also it is recommended to don’t eat any food later than 3 hours before the ceremony, so your time spent journeying is on a relatively empty stomach.

    If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, on heart medication or MAOI or SSRI based antidepressants, it’s suggested to check in with Simone, via our contact form or socials.

    Please feel free to contact your specialist or doctor if you need any reassurance, before booking one of our sessions.

  • We understand that things may change at the last minute and suddenly for your own personal reasons, you may not be able to participate in your already booked and paid session. This is why we offer a 7 days cancellation policy, so if you cancel your session up to that time frame you will be fully refunded.

    Then from the 6th day you will receive back 50% of your payment.

    It's also possible to reschedule a session to a different date up to 48 hours before the session without losing your payment.

    This is because there are protocols that Simone starts days before any session, to prepare and connect with the energy in place. This work is profound and full of respect to traditions and we ask you to consider all of this on time of booking.

    Please contact Simone via email to discuss any variations.